Robots Got Talents team is proud to announce the launch of the very new BBC Micro:bit Zone with 17 Free Lessons, Guides, and Activities developed around the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Starting on December 19th, 2023, the Micro:bit zone will be available on the Robots Got Talents platform and RoboApp. The zone will include lesson slides and guides for BBC Micro:bit hardware and Microsoft MakeCode programming. Over the next year, additional lessons and activities will also be added to the zone.
More About the BBC Micro:bit Zone + SDG Lessons:
The BBC micro:bit zone currently includes 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals Lessons developed by our amazing Educational director Murtaza Sinnarwala.
All lessons in the zone are 100% free for Individuals and Educational Organizations with no signup/login required. Lessons are mobile-supported and available in PDF and Presentation formats.
Micro:bit Zone: